Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Problematic Reviews: The Black Witch

I decided to film my first book blogger video on Youtube today. I decided to keep it simple. So many other book bloggers already stand in front on bookshelves n stuff. I decided to film where I actually spend most of my time reading, in bed!

I also decided to do a little written review since I ranted a lot in this video.

Review of The Black Witch by Laurie Forest:

The Black Witch was a pretty damn cool book! It was both fun and thought provoking. I had a gran ole time reading about Ellroeen and her adventures at Verpax University. She starts off the book as this very ignorant young lady who is raised by her uncle with her brothers. Elloreen basically grows up in the middle of nowhere. She is not exposed to different cultures and ideas until she goes away to school. The Black Witch does an excellent job of exploring what makes (some) people prejudice. All of the races are kind are pretty much segregated so, they have no real knowledge of each other. Elloreen goes to Verpax and learns that much of what she grew believing was a lie. It was fun to watch he grow up and learn about how her world really works.

There was a shit ton of characters in The Black Witch. We are introduced to some truly evil villains like Fallon and her family. There are also two sort of love interests, but no love triangle (yet). I would have to say I'm absolutely #teamlukas. I feel like her will eventually come around. There was also a lot of cool fantasy creatures. Even dragons! We also meet some good guys along the way. I'm anxious to see what happens in the upcoming books! We are left with a lot of questions that need to be answered!

The Black Witch is honestly one of the most progressive young adult books I have ever read. I'm absolutely stumped as to why it has received so much hate. I mean just look:

1. Elloreen arrives at school as a conservative with little knowledge of world history.

2. Elloreen learns to become more open-minded thanks to her liberal professors.

3. There is a bad guy who comes into power overnight and wants to basically close the borders.

4. There are a very diverse group of characters.

5. They speak out against sexist stuff like the forced marriage of 13 year old girls

6. There are giant kick-ass feminist women
I could honestly go on all day.

Anyhoodles... The Black Witch has a pre-quel coming out in July called Wantfasted! You can pre-order it here.

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